service, the 21st century financial people their homes will Discuz BBS conversion to its website. 6.0 BBS system.

According to understand, the 21st century financial people home founded in 2006, is a financial industry community website localization. The upgrade to Discuz! 6.0, this "homeland" before the Outlook 2010 is powerful.

"dynamism" of the mobile development BBS system is growing, as your site, BBS more and more Microsoft Office is helpful.

unstable, function also not satisfy the demand of users, there is an urgent need to upgrade.

Adsense LinChong said, "because I often surf the Internet shopping BBS, found that many BBS all use of Discuz! BBS system is, so for the BBS more familiar Discuz! Not only safe. Discuz! 6.0, and have more stable close-fitting function, and can meet the needs of users" most.

"Before this, we also had worried that Discuz! 6.0 and the current system not compatible, lead to be attacked, but after the use we found, such worry completely redundant, Discuz! 6.0 because its Office 2010 is my favorite.

free open source, customize the gender is very strong, through small changes can achieve the compatible with the existing system, and security is also very strong, upgrade effect we're very pleased with it." Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

According to industry analysts, stock and China's economy is now so hot, if the 21st century financial people home site by the east wind, and just completely can do bigger and stronger. This aspect, Lin adsense also says, "now we will also use a gleam KangCheng SupeSite another Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

9/11/2011 06:17:17 am

keep on posting

1/24/2012 10:08:34 pm

Fine post dude

1/25/2012 04:00:36 am

will return shortly

3/23/2012 02:15:13 am

good post

3/27/2012 09:08:30 am

good post

3/28/2012 09:43:32 pm

nice post


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