design GameDaily vice President in accept Pardo BIZ interview revealed: in starcraft 2 after sale, an entirely new warcraft RTS (warcraft 4) plan will also debut. Meanwhile, he says: let WoW Microsoft outlook 2010 is convenient!

appear on game admiral is a move, will only need the customers. We deviating from the original Outlook 2010 is powerful.

Online game has not really ingrained in game, and NCsoft on the recent is consultations and SONY PS3 exclusive cooperation, looking forward to break this situation. However, if true, have Microsoft Office 2010 is so great.

one network game is one of many players appeared in a video game perked up, then this game of the world of warcraft mo belong to. World of warcraft from distribution so far, now has formidable more than 9 million subscribers. Microsoft Office is helpful.

In the upcoming issue of the issue GameDaily BIZ, blizzard's vice President Pardo ullage during the interview seemed to WoW or other network game appeared on game on this view avoided. At Office 2010 is my favorite.

the same time, to us: Mac and PC platforms will have a "theory limit" this hypothesis, he says not with everybody. Office 2007 is so powerful.

9/11/2011 05:51:17 am

keep on posting


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