hoping will, as ECShop and sell no nets positioning into e-commerce industry third-party servicers, DaiZhiKang said: "with before also, we will not play a gold prospectors, also won't sell something The invention of Microsoft Office 2010 is a big change of the world.

and everybody rivalry price. Instead, we will become a tool for creating the server prospectors, help sellers never understand to an expert, help from a shop to remote. From various kind of Office 2010 –save your time and save your money.

template, to follow-up offers free binding various value-added function domain, we all thought that users to create value oneself. Sellers's success is our success; our service, solve the seller's financial difficulty." Microsoft Office is so great!


At present, in order to sell no nets and build will for a seller learning and communicating the community, the new revision experience sell no nets also launched a series of such as "electricity business class" and "marketing strategy" such as practical information columns, and opened the shop owner blog service.

And taobao, ebay, clap etc C2C unlike in stores sell no open a shop and in reality as open entity shop, not only the seller can have their own independent store label, brand of the shop (enterprise) Office 2007 is so powerful.

logo, still can fully owns users of detailed data, and in the light of their design various marketing activities, so as to maintain and client (buyer) more long-term contact.

Recently, in order to meet its own development needs and the needs of users, better promotion

9/11/2011 05:55:08 am

keep on posting

1/25/2012 09:50:55 pm

will be restored before long

1/27/2012 06:11:26 pm

good post

3/21/2012 07:14:14 am

Good info dude

3/22/2012 01:06:57 pm

THX for info

3/30/2012 04:12:45 pm

Nice one info, thanks

7/14/2012 10:47:26 am

nice post

9/24/2012 11:27:34 am

will come back quickly


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